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BOEMI MCU Training Set

Update Terakhir
20 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit



Detail BOEMI MCU Training Set

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Spesifikasi Produk :
Digunakan sebagai perangkat untuk pelatihan/percobaan tentang micro computer dasar. Power output: ± 5 V dc voltage source ± 12 V dc voltage source Part list: Workbench, Power Supply, Signal generator, Digital Circuit common experiment box, Gate circuit experiment box, Trigger circuit experiment box, Digital logic circuit experiment box, Pulse circuit experiment box, Components box, Analog circuit experiment box, MCU module, Convert and extend module, Sensor adaptor module, Relay Module, Command module, Indicator module 1, Indicator module 2, Motor module, Motor experiments, Tower light, Traffic light Simulator, Cable set.
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